Tutorial: How to make a thimble pip or clamshell pinch purse
Super Mom – No Cape! shares a tutorial for making a thimble pip. You might also know these little pouches as thimble buds, precious pods, pinch purses, pipkins, or clam shells. The little pouches have a pinch opening, and just enough room inside to hold a 2-3 thimbles or perhaps a couple of bobbins of thread. You could also use them as coin purses or even a pretty way to gift a piece of jewelry. You can make them in any size.
Click below for her tutorial:
Thimble Pip Tutorial, by Super Mom – No Cape!
[via Totally Tutorials]
[photo from Super Mom – No Cape!]
I want to thank everyone who has clicked over to my blog to check out my Thimble Pip Tutorial. It’s been so much fun! If you’d like to see the newest Spring/Easter Pips I’ve made using my thimble pip tutorial you can find them here: http://www.supermomnocape.com/2015/03/27/how-cute-are-these-new-spring-or-easter-pips/