MammaNene (Irene) of SergerPepper shares a tutorial at Sew McCool showing the different kinds of stitches you can make with a serger, including 3- and 4-thread overlock, flat lock, narrow hem, rolled hem, and more. I’ll freely admit that I am kind of a “set it and forget it” kind of girl with my serger. All those knobs and settings confuse me! But I know I’m cheating myself out of flexibility with my machine. Irene includes a handy cheat sheet to show you at a glance the kinds of stitches you can make and the settings you need to use to make them. And for the more serger-timid people like me, she also shows how and where to adjust the settings. Go to her guest post at Sew McCool to see how to make different kinds of stitches on your serger.
[photo from Serger Pepper on Sew McCool]
Thanks Anne for the feature… I appreciate a lot!
Great resource – I often forget all that I can do with my serger!