A little birdie tells me that the project tomorrow (May 17, 2014) at Quick Quilts Saturday is my Card Condo. How cool is that!! I was super excited when I heard the news! The Card Condo is kind of like an fabric organizer book. Each “page” has pockets to organize receipts and loyalty cards and other paper whatnot that collects in our wallets. The design was a request from my mother-in-law, who I’ve decided is a very smart woman. I’ve been using my Card Condo for several years now. Every time I pull it out, I have people oohing and ahhing and asking where to get one.
You can join up with the sew-along with Quick Quilts Saturday. They’re a private Facebook group, but anyone can join. I can’t wait to see all the Card Condos that get made!! I just saw the one they made in purple as their Facebook page header. Sooo pretty!!!
Yeah! Thank you Anne for this great tutorial! I’ve made several and can’t decide which one I’ve done that I like the best…..so I think I’ll keep them all!!!!