Recently, my grandmother fell and broke her arm. Given that she’s nearly 94 years old, it is incredibly lucky that she did not hurt herself worse than she did. However, the broken arm did present a considerable clothing challenge. With her arm immobilized in a sling, it was difficult for her to get dressed and undressed.
If this situation sounds familiar, check out Wild Ginger’s FREE iCare download. According to Wild Ginger, “The purpose of the iCare sewing patterns program is to provide custom-sized sewing patterns for hospital gowns, pajamas, and accessories for medical care. This program is provided free of charge to anyone who wishes to sew garments for non-profit and charitable purposes.”
Read more from Wild Ginger and download the free program.
NOTE: I have just downloaded the software myself but have not tried it out yet.
[via Karlee Fuchs]
[tags]sewing, patterns, medical, patient, garment, hospital[/tags]
I am looking for a pattern using prequilted material to make pressure sore heel protectors>