GreenStitch is the new podcast series from Anne Kenlon, focusing on eco-friendly sewing tips and projects. This is of personal interest to me, as one of the major reasons I am drawn to sewing is that it allows me to make something new and exciting out of items that would otherwise end up being thrown away.
So far she’s produced two episodes. Episode 1 is about making backpacks, while Episode 2 focuses on using curtains as a source of yardage for aprons and skirts. Go here for the podcasts. And be sure to check out her blog for pictures of the projects she describes in her podcast.
psst – You don’t have to have an iPod to listen to her sewing show; your computer can also play the mp3.
[tags]sewing, podcast, eco-friendly, GreenStitch, pod, mp3, eco, green[/tags]
looking for eco friendly sewing projects and ideas for recycling fabric