Francine Clouden, our multi-talented Scrapbooking editor, made these toy bags to keep the pieces of her son’s favorite toys together. She took photos of the toys that belong in each bag, and used a photo transfer technique to add them to the outside of the bag. The photo labels are super cute and also make it easy to know the contents. Brilliant storage solution! Read more at her personal blog, Callaloo Soup.
[photo from Callaloo Soup]
These are so cute. One day I will be able to make something like that… I have just been introduced to your lovely site, and wonder if I could do a callout for some help? I just got given a sparkly new sewing machine and I’m a bit scared of it… Actually I’m very scared of it, like I might break it if I try to make something!! Any tips and hints would be most gratefully received – please do share them and help me begin
Thank you so much!
Beth, I posted a reply on your blog. –Anne