Coats & Clark has made some big changes to their sewing thread lineup. First of all, they’ve added some fresh new colors that reflect current fashion and home decorating trends. Second, they’ve revised the numbering system to make it more logical and more consistent. Read more at Sewing Secrets, the Coats & Clark blog.
[tags]sewing, thread, colors, number, Coats & Clark, new[/tags]
Jean Suddarth says
Is there anywhere I can obtain a color chart that will show the old number and the new? I have always been able to take the number to the store and buy more thread. Now I have a hard time coming up with the color I need to continue a project. I am also not happy about the fact that the amount on the spool is less and the price is more. (300 yds compared to 250 yds. Thanks for the information.
Sue Patterson says
I also am interested in having a chart relating the old Coats and Clark Dual Duty thread to the new numbering system, with color names included. Right now, the majority of my threads are old-style, and I will need to convert them.
Pam Woods says
How can I get a chart for the old Coats and Clark Duty Thread to the new numbering system
with color names included. I know there is one because Joann’s Fabrics has one but they keep it put up so if no one is there you don’t know what mumber matches the old numbers. Please let me know how to get a copy of chart change old to new.
Pam Woods says
need a thread chart from old numbers to new
Ethel Kelly says
I need a color chart converting the old thread to the new numbers. Also if the Serger thread has changed I need a chart with those numbers on it also. I sew all the time making Indian Pow Wow clothing using regular sewing thread and Serger threads.
karin ruhly says
Need a general color chart that I can use for my customers so that they
can select the color of thread that they want to use for the embroidery
on their ‘bag tags’
karin ruhly says
I need a general color chart that I can use for my customers so
that they can select the color of thread that they want to use for
the embroidery on their ‘bag tags’
nasenbaer says
Geschäftszeichen: 11 IN 23/07: In dem Insolvenzverfahren über das Vermögen der
T-C-H Service GmbH & Co. KG, Breitenstraße 37, 36251 Bad Hersfeld (AG Dresden, HRA 5714),
vertreten durch:
1. TCH Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH, (persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin),
vertreten durch:
[b]1.1. Florian Grotehans, Am Baumgarten 12, 36251 Bad Hersfeld, (Geschäftsführer), [/b]
wird die Prüfung der nachträglich angemeldeten Forderungen im schriftlichen Verfahren gemäß § 177 Abs. 1 Satz 2 InsO angeordnet. Geprüft werden alle bislang ungeprüften Forderungen, die noch bis zum 09.08.2011 einschließlich zur Insolvenztabelle angemeldet werden.
Die Schuldnerin, die Insolvenzgläubiger und der Insolvenzverwalter werden aufgefordert, ein eventuelles Bestreiten der Forderungen bis zum 24.08.2011 schriftlich beim Insolvenzgericht einzureichen oder zu Protokoll der Geschäftsstelle zu erklären.
Anderenfalls gelten die Forderungen nach Ablauf dieser Frist als festgestellt. Die bereits geprüften Forderungen werden von der mit diesem Beschluss angeordneten besonderen Forderungsprüfung nicht betroffen.
Amtsgericht Bad Hersfeld, 27.07.2011
scott says
Here is a link to some old Coat & Clark thread color chart along with new colors.
Hope this helps!!
diana mcghee says
i need a color chart with the old and new colors and number on them. i recently was given alot of floss but cannot find any conversion charts with them on or even remotely close. i have called the company and of course got no answer i guess i am not important enough to hear from them.if anyone can help me please email me.
Raquelle says
coats & Clark took down their own conversion chart, which seems silly.
I just found this in case anyone’s still interested:
Ivy Gold says
Does anyone know where to find a color chart for the OLD J&P Coats floss???
Barbara says
I was looking for a Coats and Clark Color Chart for Dual Duty Plus and found a chart that shows the old Dual Duty Plus colors and converts them to the new Dual Duty XP colors. The website is: I hope this helps those requesting the conversion chart.