I just got a tip about this fabulous sewing lounge / retail store. The Thread Den was started by a group of girls who wanted to combine their love of clothing with sewing.
Set in Melbourne, Austraila, the Thread Den aims to be a social hub for sewing enthusiasts and a platform for aspiring designers. In addition to stocking gorgeous threads, they offer classes and sell vintage patterns and haberdashery: fabric by the roll or in remnant pieces, buttons, zippers and knitting needles.
Thread Den
Level 1, 16 Errol St
North Melbourne
(Entrance via Webbs Lane)
Tel: +61 3 9329 5305
Howdy everyone,
Im new to the forum and just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Mark and I’m form Australia. I’ve been a long time lurker who has finally decided to make an account and contribute.
Cao everyone,
Im new to the forum and just wanted to introduce myself, i’m David form Australia. I look forward too makeing a contribution here.