While I rarely use my iron with my laundry, it gets a LOT of use in my sewing room! And with all that use, it gets messy pretty easily and then that gunk can get transferred to my fabric that I’m ironing. Ick! Becky from Patchwork Posse shows an easy trick for cleaning your iron using a Magic Eraser
. You can use her method to get your iron nice and clean again!
Click below for her tutorial:
How to Clean Your Iron with Magic Eraser, by Patchwork Posse
[photo from Patchwork Posse]
Just a heads up…Magic Erasers are VERY toxic. They are meant to clean marks on walls, and small areas. The reason they do not advertise cleaning large areas is because of the toxicity of them.
Cleaning the iron is great, but if the remnants of liquid get in the holes, then you use steam, just make sure the steam is not being breathed in.