Tutorial: Easy way to store slightly used sewing machine needles
Confession time: I sew almost everything on a universal needle. And the reason is that all those needles look the same to me, so once I switch out one needle for the other, I’m left wondering where to put the old needle. It’s still good but not brand new, so I don’t want to put it back into the package it came in. Abby from Things for Boys shares her system for keeping her needles straight, including how to store her slightly used needles so she can tell them apart from the ones that are brand spankin’ new. Her method is simple enough to make me change my no-needle-changing ways!
Click below to read what she does:
How to Store Your Used Sewing Machine Needles, by Things for Boys
[photo from Things for Boys]
Guilty! And when I do decide on a “system” I promptly forget it. Doh!
Will check out this idea. Thanks!