Tutorial: Hexie pincushion
I find hexies satisfying to make, but I’m not so good at sewing them all together to make a large project like a quilt. I need a smaller projects for my hexies, like this hexie pincushion by Swoodson Says. She shares a tutorial showing how you can make one. The small scale of the project keeps the hand sewing to a manageable and you’ll end up with a pretty new place to park your pins!
Click below for her tutorial:
Simple EPP Hexie Pincushion Tutorial, by Swoodson Says
[photo from Swoodson Says]
Looking for more pin cushion patterns? Check out these quilting patterns on Etsy.
Looking for more Pincushion patterns? Check out this fun sewing book for making pincushions.
Sewing Pincushions are also called Emery Bag as they contain Emery powder and oxide iron that removes rust from pins and needles. Emery pinch cushions can be bought here.
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