Shwin W from Shwin & Shwin shows how to turn an old pair of jeans into a cute new skirt for a little girl. It’s made from the bottoms of the legs, which means that you can repurpose the hem. Get the tutorial.
Looking for more re-fashion patterns? Check these out on Etsy.
If you are looking for more denim upcycle projects check these out.
Looking for more ways to use Recycled Denim in craft projects? Visit our dedicated interest board “Recycled Denim Jean Crafts” .
Check out this book featuring 10 other ways to use Denim jeans. or this book on making Denim Projects using upcycled denim.
How cute are these and you are recylcing at the same time.
Denim fabrics are really great because it is flexible at any style of clothing like for skirts, jacket and even dress. This recycled denim skirts are really good for kids because you can personalized the design base on their personality.