Tutorial: Pincushion and sewing pocket for your couch
The other day I caught my daughter sticking toothpicks into our couch. When I called her out, she said, “But you do it all the time with your pins!” Busted. I do tend to use the arm of my couch as a pincushion. This armchair pincushion by Becky from Patchwork Posse would put an end to that. She shares a tutorial showing how you can make one. It hangs over the arm and has a pincushion on top, and pockets to hold scissors, seam ripper, or other small notions.
Click below for her tutorial:
Arm Chair Pin Cushion and Sewing Pocket Tutorial, by Patchwork Posse
[photo from Patchwork Posse]
Hi Anne,
I thought this was a great idea and one which I will be making very shortly. I do a lot of sewing and like to finish off all the fiddly, little hand bits in front of the TV at night. My other half does not share my enthusiasm for the ‘gentle arts’ and after a few (not serious!) punctures to his person he insists that I now keep some sort of receptacle nearby for all the ‘sharp stuff!’ I have unthinkingly held a few pins or needles between my lips when at an important bit in my sewing, but, us creative types do tend to have wandering imaginations and who knows what may happen. Scissors also tend to have a way of secreting themselves down the side of the sofa and, after an unfortunate incident looking for change for a pint of milk, I know that these can no longer be left to their own devices either!
Looking forward to making this and a safer sofa sewing session too,
Thanks for sharing,
Margo Price