Mama Crafts shows how she turned her dining room table into a fabulous playhouse for her daughter. She created a cover sized to fit the table exactly, and then added windows and doors and appliques to make it feel like a house. When she needs to use the dining table for its intended purpose, all she has to do is remove the table cover. The whole project cost her only $5. Wow!! Go to the tutorial to see how she did it.
[photo from Mama Crafts]
What an amazing idea! I remember Sunday afternoons under my Mum’s table with blankets, but this is so much better – really inspirational – thank you!
Have you ever seen this Etsy shop where mamacrafts got her idea”
Julie, I have seen those playhouses and they’re fabulous! Mama Crafts mentions them as well in her post, but explains that they don’t have a card table – which is what Miss Pretty Pretty’s playhouses are sized to fit. She made her own so that it would fit her dining table. –Anne