Little girls love dressing up like their mamas. And that includes slinging a little purse over their shoulders. Dee from Getting Crafty shows how to make a purse for your little one. I love the flat bow embellishment! Go to the tutorial.
[via Sevi Designs]
[tags]sewing, tutorial, purse, toddler[/tags]
I wanted to make a purse for my ten month old granddaughter, who drags her mum’s purse everywhere. You made my day. How nice of you to go to the trouble of putting a tutorial on the internet for (ME:)). I want to put a small photo album in it with all the people she knows, along with keys (maybe) with a chewy attachment so she won’t put the keys in her mouth. Don’t know what else. Thanks for a great idea. Gwen
I am 13 and love to sew simple bags and dolls and pillows and toys and clothes on my Singer sewing machine. This was so easy and simple, I made this purse for my 3 year old sister’s birthday last week! It was so easy and fast, I made it as a last-minute gift. Thank you for going through the trouble to put this pattern out there for people like me to use!