Lex shows how she made the textured stripes on a new pillow sham for her bedding set. The monochromatic palette (hers is all white fabrics) let the textures of the fabrics and stitching become the stars of this beautiful pillow. Get the tute.
[photo from Lex]
I just found your Website and I am anxious to try out some of your patterns. My granddaughter married in December, 2010 and I want to get started making things for a baby. They say they don’t want to get pregnant for another five years, but we will see. I may not be around in five years so I want to make things for my first great-grandchild. My daughter died in 1992 of breast cancer. She was great at all crafts
I loved the porcupine pincushion but the instructins for making it are no longer available. I was able to get the sides but not the middle part (the part that makes it stand up and I have no idea how to make that. My daughter (my granddaughter’s Mother) died in 1992 of breast cancer. My granddaughter was 7 when her Mother died and my grandson was 4 1/2. She was great at all crafts and she would have loved to make things for her granddaughter. I want to stand in the gap as much as I can.
My e-mail address is wh1119@earthlink.net
Thank you very much.