Once you cut into a printed pattern, you’re essentially locked into always making this pattern in the size you cut. Tracing the pattern ahead of time allows you to make the same pattern on different sizes, but it can also add a significant amount of time to your project. Kim from Uber Crafter shares her quick and easy method for tracing patterns using freezer paper and permanent markers. Read how she does it.
[tags]sewing, tips, pattern, tracing, tissue[/tags]
OMG, thanks sooo much for this tute. I just spent all day today and half of yesterday searching for a way to use the medium size on my new baby outfit pattern, without ruining all the other sizes on the tissue pattern pieces! And finally I found it here! Woot!!! I am sooo happy! Thank you so much Kim! I know, it was a duh moment for me not to have thought of tracing it like you did, but this is my very first attempt at sewing a piece of clothing..lol.