Justine from Sew Country Chick shows how to make a simple pillowcase skirt for little girls. It’s easy to make and absolutely charming when made from a vintage pillowcase, as she did. Her tutorial is part of the Skirting the Issue series hosted by Simple Simon & Co. . to encourage sewists to make skirts to donate to girls in the foster care system. Go to Sew Country Chick for the tutorial.
[photo from Sew Country Chick]
Looking for more sewing patterns? Check out these Skirt sewing patterns we found on Etsy. Or our very own Pinterest boards
Can these be made for adults, women size 12?
They can be made in any size, assuming the pillowcase fits around your hips. I wear a women’s size 8 and I think a pillowcase would probably be too narrow for me. On other hand, if you have two pillowcases, you may be be able piece in the extra you needed.