Tutorial: Wallpaper sample Christmas stockings
Cintia from My Poppet shows how you can make these fun Christmas stockings from upcycled wallpaper samples. The heavier paper will stand up to the stitching on your machine. You can use them as fun gift packaging, even sewing them completely closed to use it as a wrapped gift or to send it in the mail. If you don’t have any wallpaper samples, check your thrift store for individual wallpaper rolls. They’re usually pretty cheap because, what does one do with a partial roll of wallpaper – besides make awesome Christmas stockings, that is.
Click below for her tutorial:
Upcycle Style: Wallpaper Sample Christmas Stockings, by My Poppet
[photo from My Poppet]
Looking for more sewing patterns for handmade Christmas Stockings? Check these out on Etsy.
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