Now that the giveaway for foldover elastic from Hobovian has closed, I can announce some winners! Your comments gave me so many more ideas to use my foldover elastic!
Remember, you can always get free samples from Hobovian by emailing her at Hobovian@ebay or Hobovian@etsy.
Our 10 winners are….
Commenter 83, Kataryna, who said: endless possibilities! swimsuits, shirts, skirts, oh my!
Commenter 147, Michelle, who said: I luv all the new innovations that make sewing so much more fun now. Id love to try making some plus size lingerie also to do a no bulk neckline on some tee shirts. thanks for the chance to win.
Commenter 123, Kandice, who said: This would be great to make more diapers with…I have been wanting to use FOE but am a little bit scared of it because I have never actaully seen it in person! Thanks for the giveaway!
Commenter 14, Cortney, who said: I’ve been thinking up some fun new summer skirts, this elastic could make those projects extra-simple!
Commenter 121, Ness, who said: Very hard to find FOE where I am – so would love to win! I would start with some nappies I have waiting to be finished and yep, probably headbands for my 3 daughters!
Commenter 106, Belinda, who said: Skirts & more skirts! Cami’s and likely a whole host of to be thought of projects Great give away! Thanks!
Commenter 9, Pamela Walls, who said: I must admit I haven’t seen this in our local fabric stores. I want it! I sew for my grandson and my grandnieces so I can imagine edging for lots of knit items I make for them. Softer than a serged ribbed edging! I would guess that it would be easier to apply than other bindings for edge application. Perhaps….some pretty lingerie for me!!!
Commenter 20, Nina, who said: I would use this to make cloth diapers for my two kiddos and then I would use some to make that awesome shirt!
Commenter 136, JD, who said: I’ve been wanting to make a cute skirt for a while, but haven’t gotten to it. Maybe some fabulous elastic would be the little push i need?
Commenter 203, Ashleigh, who said: I would love to try useing it. Not sure for what yet but I love new fun stuff to play with. It is hw I find insperation.
I have sent emails to all 10 winners to get mailing addresses. Those of you who didn’t win the giveaway can find awesome deals on foldover elastic at Hobovian’s shop.
[photo from Hobovian]
How fun! Thanks so much!
This makes me so happy! I just saw a tutorial today for baby headbands made of this stuff! I never knew it had so many uses! Thanks a bunch!
OMG, I won, I won! Thanks a heap, you have made my night!
Got my elastic today!!!! So fun!