If you have a young sewist in your house, or just want to be inspired by what a young sewist can do, then check out Super Stitches blog. All of the posts and projects are by a 9-year-old sewist with mad sewing skills. Check it out and you’ll agree – this girl’s got talent! Go to Super Stitches blog.
[photo from Super Stitches]
[tags]sewing, inspiration, super stitches, young, sewist, sewer[/tags]
none of those is the right link. I found it by a search engine. The correct link is http://sewingsister.blogspot.com/
The links take you to Shiny Little Things instead of Super Stitches.
The links are taking me to Shiny Little Things and not to Super Stitches.
Thank you for featuring my daughter, but the link to her blog is wrong. It goes to Shiny Things. The correct link to Super Stitches’ blog is http://www.sewingsister.blogspot.com
So very sorry!!! I had a bunch of windows open when I was posting, and I obviously copied and pasted from the wrong window. My apologies!!
You link does not lead to Super Stitched it links to Shiny Little Things.
the link sends us to Shiney Little Things blog not super stitches blog. just and FYI
All your links are wrong. They should go here: http://sewingsister.blogspot.com/
Is this link right? I went to silly little things and it doesn’t look like a 9 yr old poster or her projects. Thanks.
Thank you all for letting me know about my incorrect link! Sometimes I think I’m the master of multi-tasking, and then I go and post the wrong link. I’ve got it corrected now.
gosh I can understand how that could happen. Thanks for all you do!!